Impact on Work, School, Finances – Naomi


Naomi has decided to switch career paths due to her heart journey.


I was in education to become a teacher an elementary school teacher which still gets me every excited because I love kids. I love working with kids and I would love being a teacher but I’m kind of thinking about switching into kinesiology because, don’t get me wrong I still would like to be a teacher and that’s still like a career goal, but I can always be a teacher later in life. And so I was like ‘Ok I’m going to get my degree in anything really and then apply for nursing school.’ And I never thought I could be a nurse because I hated blood, I hate needles, I hate puke you know like I hate all the stuff, but I was like you know what I could totally do it and I think I really have, like I would be able to be very empathetic and I think it would just I would really regret if I never even applied.

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